013. we may fall [ mission | retrieval ]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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013. we may fall [ mission | retrieval ]
POSTED ON Mar 8, 2019 9:25:32 GMT
arian coin Avatar


ogether, arian and , were on the prowl. the sun was down; it was evening, dark, and they were taking on a dangerous mission: infiltrating slateport and salvaging anything they could from the ruined city. their target? the hospital. what did they expect to find? they didn't know, but they were told they'd know once they got there.


with this mission being utmost important. their goal was to be as incognito as possible, and so arian took the time to provide the duo with wear befitting of the night. arian adorned a jet black dress shirt; over it a vest just as dark. skinny, smart dress pants that, too, were of charcoal coloring just the same as his vest. next up, footwear, his usual dress shoes of course; though, this time, they weren't white but black. lastly, to complete his attire, arian adorned a pair of half-palm black leather gloves.


"the close is clear, i hope my date's ready to head out." a devilish grin. arian turned his attention toward as the pair were hidden behind a delivery truck that sat across the street from their targeted location. an impish snicker, he couldn't wait to get started.

party: ? ? ?
mission: retrieval ( slateport )[break]
notes: shall we?

[attr="class","miricredit"]window blues

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013. we may fall [ mission | retrieval ]
POSTED ON Mar 8, 2019 9:40:05 GMT
cait alfric Avatar
"definitely," she drawled. 

cait shot her male counterpart an eager grin, his infectious attitude having dialed up her excitement for this particular mission. they were a pair that were growing increasingly familiar with one another, their bond having strengthened considerably over the span of a few months. 

getting across the street shouldn't be an issue."

her mandibuzz cawed someplace in the background, the bird alerting the pair that they were free to cross the wide stretch of cement. 

'looks like the entrance way is clear, too.' 

cait clicked her tongue before nodding to coin and taking the initiative. she crossed first, her skin-tight one piece composed of dark leather allowing her to easily blend in with the deep shadows of late evening. she soon crouched before the glass doors of the entrance and noted that they were inoperable - the power source having been cut.

'there should be a side entrance somewhere.'

she released a low whistle, signaling arian to follow her lead before she sought to explore the exterior of the building. 

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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arian coin DOLLARS
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013. we may fall [ mission | retrieval ]
POSTED ON Mar 8, 2019 10:16:05 GMT
arian coin Avatar


he close was clear. he moved out. following behind cait. arian attempted to open the front entrance. "no dice, huh?" so it really was cut.


side entrance it is. "you'd think rocket members were loitering about, who'd have thought it'd be this easy." arian guided the pair to the side. as they ran to the left side, there was a staircase leading upward. the side entrance had already been open. "that door is metal, look at the side..." the keypad beside it wasn't just fried, but the metal door's handle had been torn off. "whoever came this way forced themselves inside. so we better be on high alert..." arian took the lead and ventured up the stairs.


once inside, the hospital's interior was a mess. the hall was filled with dried blood, holes, and barely lit lighting. the hall was practically filled with flickering bulbs. stretches, blankets, paper, and medical tools were practically all on the ground. "what the hell happened in here, it's like something out of a horror film; i feel like a killer might jump out." arian whispered to cait. [break][break]

"this is a big hospital and we're only on the first floor. where should we even start?" he asked.

party: ? ? ?
mission: retrieval ( slateport )[break]
notes: shall we?

[attr="class","miricredit"]window blues

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[newclass=.threadtext]background: #fdfdfd; padding: 0px;width: 360px;line-height: 140%;font-size: 11px; letter-spacing: 0.5px;font-family: sans serif display;text-align: justify; color: #2d2d2d;[/newclass]
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013. we may fall [ mission | retrieval ]
POSTED ON Mar 8, 2019 10:41:05 GMT
cait alfric Avatar
"don't say that, arian."

she gave him a light and playful slap to the arm in reaction to the 'killer' comment. but he had been correct in his assessment; this place was an utter wreck. there was medical equipment strewn across the floor, and she was very much thankful that there wasn't an excess of uncapped needles to step around. 

'let's just hope that the waste bins weren't knocked over.'

while there were still usable items about, cait felt as though the rockets had abandoned this hospital for good reason. it could be used occasionally to retrieve supplies, but returning it to its previous state would require a thorough cleaning of the facility's interior. additionally, restoring an adequate amount of power here may not be at all worth it.

'blood,' she thought. 'but it doesn't exactly reek here. so i'm gonna guess that if there were any corpses here they were removed.' 

splitting up wouldn't be the best idea," she said. "if you have a pokemon that has a good sense of hearing or can easily detect another's presence bring them out.

there was always that chance that someone was in here with them - and cait wasn't willing to take any chances. so she'd reach for her belt and pluck up a capsule, her absol soon emerging from its confines. he'd blink for a moment before taking stock of his immediate surroundings with an analytical sweep of his gaze. 

we're going to go from room to room starting here. nothing thorough - just a quick glance inside before we keep moving. if there is someone in here they should be dealt with in a non-lethal fashion; rocket or no.


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grim dealer
august 5th
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
273 posts
arian coin DOLLARS
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013. we may fall [ mission | retrieval ]
POSTED ON Mar 8, 2019 10:49:38 GMT
arian coin Avatar


he was too calm. perhaps he'd been rubbing off onto her a little too much. arian, nervously, chuckled.


"right," arian agreed. he'd reach into the inner pocket of his vest. he'd come to reveal growlithe's ball capsule, enlarged it, and released his fiery pet. "something small will be best suited. growlithe, be sure to pick any scents." he commanded the fiery pup. an immediate cry was uttered, a sign that he was aware of his duty.


with each glance. arian searched a room, peeking and making sure that there were no intruders inside. he'd enter each room to search the cabinets and drawers. nothing of interest caught his eye. "no dice in this room." he checked another, "nothing in this one either." each room was across the hall of another. so, cait had the option to enter a room with the blonde or check upon the hall opposite to the room he checked.


"find anything interesting or suspicious in your rooms?" he asked the greenette.
mission: retrieval ( slateport )[break]
notes: shall we?

[attr="class","miricredit"]window blues

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[newclass=.threadtext]background: #fdfdfd; padding: 0px;width: 360px;line-height: 140%;font-size: 11px; letter-spacing: 0.5px;font-family: sans serif display;text-align: justify; color: #2d2d2d;[/newclass]
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013. we may fall [ mission | retrieval ]
POSTED ON Mar 8, 2019 11:11:38 GMT
cait alfric Avatar
"nothing, yet."

if only they knew what they were looking for; but whomever had handed them the mission had assured the pair that they would be aware of what they needed to retrieve the moment it was glimpsed by either arian or cait. 

'hopefully we aren't risking our lives for no reason here.'

cait wielded a small flashlight, searching the shadow-drenched nooks and crannies in hopes of locating something of interest.

huh. this door's locked.

she'd soon reach a door that had been secured with a lock and a key. 

"absol? swords dance. and follow it up with a slash. you'll be hitting this part of the door."

the dark-type followed her instructions, the strengthened attack managing to cleave through the mechanisms that had kept the door tightly shut. once it swung open, cait stepped inside of what appeared to be someone's personal office. 

this looks promising.

cait gestured toward the door with her flashlight.

we'll have absol and growlithe keep watch. we need to see if there's anything here that requires extraction. a usb - a sd chip -  files - anything."   


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grim dealer
august 5th
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
273 posts
arian coin DOLLARS
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arian coin
013. we may fall [ mission | retrieval ]
POSTED ON Mar 8, 2019 11:23:48 GMT
arian coin Avatar


oger. growlithe remained on standby with absol. arian and cait ventured into the sealed room and prepared for extraction. searching the bookshelves. arian checked to see if anything was out of the ordinary.


"a room like this must have some goodies inside, right? i can't wait to find it!" he checked each book. tossing one after another off of the shelf. "nothing in this or that," he spoke aloud during his search. laughing, he'd comment, "maybe we should join team rocket. this feels so bad yet so good, breaking things and sneaking around." arian chuckled. it was an annoying job, but he was actually enjoying himself.


the mission, in a weird way, had been therapeutic. "anything on your end?" he asked, still searching through each book.


"find anything interesting or suspicious in your rooms?" he asked the greenette.
mission: retrieval ( slateport )[break]
notes: shall we?

[attr="class","miricredit"]window blues

[newclass=.miricredit]text-align: center; text-transform:uppercase; line-height: 150%;}[/newclass]
[newclass=.miricredit a]font-family: calibri; font-size: 8px; letter-spacing:1px; color: #aaa;[/newclass]
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[newclass=.threadtext]background: #fdfdfd; padding: 0px;width: 360px;line-height: 140%;font-size: 11px; letter-spacing: 0.5px;font-family: sans serif display;text-align: justify; color: #2d2d2d;[/newclass]
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cait alfric
013. we may fall [ mission | retrieval ]
POSTED ON Mar 8, 2019 11:59:12 GMT
cait alfric Avatar
"i'm sure there's some alternate dimension where the both of us ended up on the other side," she muttered. 

she fished around in a file cabinet, pulling out bulky manila folders and flicking through them. but the contents contained information that - from her perspective - were irrelevant.

"there's a computer here," she said, lifting her gaze until it settled upon the desktop. "no usbs in the slots, though."

cait wanted to boot up the hardware, but there was no doubt in her mind that any amount of information would be locked behind a password.

and all that i came across was typical hospital stuff - beds and medical equipment. nothing that the league would be hankering for, arian.

she didn't bother with trying to return the files to their previous positions, leaving them stacked in a sloppily arranged pile before moving to peek outside of the hospital's office. the sight of slateport in its current state was positively heart-wrenching, and she couldn't help but grimace.

we're going to take this place back one of these days," she said, frowning.

cait decided to dial herself back a bit, unwilling to remain stiff for the duration of their shared mission.

i'm starving," she huffed. "think they have any snack machines that still work around here?


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grim dealer
august 5th
hoenn region
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
273 posts
arian coin DOLLARS
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arian coin
013. we may fall [ mission | retrieval ]
POSTED ON Mar 8, 2019 12:09:07 GMT
arian coin Avatar


faint smile. arian casually strolled to stand next to cait. placing a palm upon her right shoulder, he'd say, "cait, don't worry." he reassured her, "we will, it'll take time. but we will, you just have to be patient." slateport was their largest city. the capture of this city is, and will always be a big deal. to have lost such a place, the league had to clean up their mess.


"in time we'll figure something out." for her to think of snacking on something at a time like this. "honestly," arian chuckled "i'm sure we can find a half-raided vending machine in this place somewhere. they're the best thing about being in a hospital." as arian was preparing to leave he'd come to see a strange item underneath the desk. "hey, what's that..." arian said, pointing to the eye capturing item.


he'd move the chair out of the way in order for cait to grab hold of the item.

"find anything interesting or suspicious in your rooms?" he asked the greenette.
mission: retrieval ( slateport )[break]
notes: shall we?

[attr="class","miricredit"]window blues

[newclass=.miricredit]text-align: center; text-transform:uppercase; line-height: 150%;}[/newclass]
[newclass=.miricredit a]font-family: calibri; font-size: 8px; letter-spacing:1px; color: #aaa;[/newclass]
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[newclass=.threadtext]background: #fdfdfd; padding: 0px;width: 360px;line-height: 140%;font-size: 11px; letter-spacing: 0.5px;font-family: sans serif display;text-align: justify; color: #2d2d2d;[/newclass]
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cait alfric
013. we may fall [ mission | retrieval ]
POSTED ON Mar 8, 2019 12:30:50 GMT
cait alfric Avatar
the young woman blinked at arian.

"what do you - oh."

cait moved to retrieve the item that had been pointed out, the woman curiously peering down at it with a raised brow. 

i think this is what we're looking for.

at least she hoped it was; otherwise this whole mission would be little more than a waste of time. though she had enjoyed it a fair amount, especially since she’d been allowed to accompany arian for its duration. 

let's get out of here, then," she said. "who knows if rockets still come this way."

she gestured for him to follow her lead, intending to exit the building as quickly and as quietly as possible. 

'it'll be reclaimed and restored one of these days,' she thought. 'but for now we'll just leave it be.'

with her male counterpart in tow, they'd slip back into the shadows as late evening transitioned into night.  


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013. we may fall [ mission | retrieval ]
POSTED ON Mar 9, 2019 19:21:28 GMT




you receive the following: 50 poke, 4 infamy.
note: keep this consumable item in your inventory![break]
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